My training methodology, programs and pricing and guarantee



I am what’s known as a balanced dog trainer. Let's unpack how a good balanced training works.  I believe that each dog is an individual and no one specific training modality is perfect for every dog. This is why I use both positive and negative motivation in my training programs, and each dog will require differing amounts of each.

Some dogs are very sensitive to correction (negative motivation) and need to be treated as such. Others are willful to say the least and need a little more correction at times to ensure that they adhere to your commands.

I use food, toys, treats, and praise to reinforce the things that we want your dog to do more of (positive motivation). I also use different tools like prong collars, and e-collars to stop dog from doing things that we don’t want them to do. It’s really very simple. Good behaviors get your dog good things, and bad behaviors get them consequences.

Positive motivation is good at two things;

1-Increasing the likelihood that your dog will do what you ask them to do

2-Increasing the speed at which they do it (if they do it)

Notice I didn’t say that positive motivation will ENSURE your dogs compliance. Positive motivation is great, but it falls short when your dog is highly distracted, acting aggressively or when they have deep rooted behavioral issues.

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Walk Doctor Program as low as $950

My walk doctor program is specifically for clients who own dogs who are terrible on leash walks. Pulling is the normal and many also struggle with leash reactivity. We will start out in private lessons at your home, so that we can go for walks specifically where you are struggling. Next we will transition you and your dog into group walks to ensure that you guys are doing well in different environments.


Obedient Dog Program as low as $1500

The obedient dog program is for client who have dogs who are not responsive off leash. We also address leash walking /reactivity issues. In this life changing problem we will also address your dogs behavioral issues like jumping up on people, stealing food from the counter, excessive barking, etc. All done in the comfort of your home.

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Safe Dog Program as low as $1800

The safe dog program (MOST POPULAR) is the program that about 80% of my clients need. My expertise and passion is for dogs who have behavioral issues and are troubled with reactivity/aggression. We start in private lesson like all of our programs, then transition into group walks when you dog is excelling on your leash walks, out of the park, etc. We’ll cover leash walking, off leash control, behavioral issues. As the name indicates, this program will get you a safe dog, but it will not get you a fully rehabilitated dog that you can 100% trust in every scenario. This program is about control, and honestly that all that most of my clients require. If you want to go all the way, my final program (below) is the one for you.

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Aggression Rehabilitation Program as low as $4000

My most comprehensive program by far. Like the safe dog program, we’ll cover leash walking, off leash control, behavioral issues as proper socialization for your dog. We start the socialization around myself and my dog Roxy, then transition into group classes to take things to the next level. When you are excelling at home, and at class, you’ll then have access to special classes only for clients who want a fully rehabilitated dog.